About Me

Already in my childhood I discovered photography as a means of expression and a source of joy and so it has continued for more than 60 years without interruption. For many years it was mostly black and white and many hours in the darkroom. Later it has become a lot of colour and mostly digital. However, I did not become a professional photographer.

Today, I am a retired pharmacology professor and can spend even more time with my camera and my images. I have had a number of smaller exhibitions in hospitals and other public premises in Stockholm and a solo exhibition at gallery Kika in Karlstad.

I experiment with sharpening, blurring and often tight image cropping. I find many of my subjects in nature and I often focus on the small details. Often things I can’t see with the naked eye – little bits of time and space that can be given greater justice in a larger format. Beauty is often close to us if we can only perceive it!

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